Professional,Smart-tech Makes

Kamailong Participated in 6th FLOWTECH CHINA Shanghai International Exhibition Of Pump Pipe Valve.

2017-07-11 10:00:05

July, 7th,2017,the 6th FLOWTECH CHINA Shanghai International Exhibition Of Pump Pipe Valve has held in Shanghai National Exhibition Center.

Compare to the  last year,the scale of exhibition soars to a greater height,the area covers more than 40,000m2, 638 exhibitors from domestic and overseas participated in this events.3,8276 visitors visit the exhibition ,that  3,817 visitors from overseas. The total number of visitors increased by 57.43% compared with last year.

Kamailong exhibited the professional products-fully welded ball valve for oil,gas and district heat application.High performance valves and professional sales engineer team, received the customer consistent high praise!

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